Friday 25 March 2016

An Introduction to the Powerful Law of Karma or Cause and Effect

In this incredibly edifying and fascinating site, you will discover untold fascinating truths, including the following:
o                   The department of natural justice that regulates all life on earth
o                   Why you were born in a particular country instead of in another
o                   Why you were born in a certain village or town at a specific time
o                   Why you were born in a particular year, month, week and day
o                   Why you were born into a specific family by particular parents
o                   Why some people are naturally born in favourable circumstances
o                   Why some people are naturally born in unfavourable circumstances
o                   Why you naturally display unstoppable interest in certain activities
o                   Why you get on very well with some people and not with others
o                   How to transform your life by respecting the laws of nature

This site provides an edifying discourse spanning the entire breadth and full depth of the law of karma or cause and effect, with respect to its raison d’être, its nature, mechanisms of operation, various forms of its manifestation, its dimensions of jurisdiction, it’s relationship with freedom of choice; and the secret of how to utilise karma as a means to sustainable happiness and success. It constitutes a comprehensive response to all the questions related to why things happen the way they do; from an individual to a global scale.
 Freewill or freedom of choice is one of the most prominent inherent privileges with which humans are endowed. Life is characterised by virtually innumerable choices. It would be entirely impossible for anyone to espouse and exhaust all these choices. Thus, freewill is the birthright, ability and unrestricted privilege for humans to voluntarily embrace a particular set of choices, as opposed to numerous other available options. Saddled to freewill are conscience and reasoning, the vital tools that provide the moral and rational grounds for the exercise of freedom of choice.
The four inborn fundamental means by which humans exercise their freewill comprise: thought, speech, emotion and action. Thus, when ever humans exercise their freedom of choice by means of a thought, speech, emotion or action, corresponding legitimate consequences are generated, which would ultimately be assumed by the person who has exercised that freedom of choice. Hence, the privilege to exercise freewill is naturally associated with the obligation to shoulder the consequences that stem from the exercise of that freewill. This implies that humans are entirely responsible for the results that accrue from their exercise of freewill.
The law of karma or the law of cause and effect is the natural, immutable, infallible and rigorous regulatory mechanism, which ensures that the consequences or fruits yielded by our exercise of freewill by means of a thought, speech, emotion or action, are delivered to us with the highest degree of faithfulness and infallibility.
The rigour, immutability and infallibility of this impeccable law of karma warrants that the consequences stemming from a particular cause, are such that those causes and their consequences are reconciled in mathematical exactitude; such that this law can be interpreted in the light of Newton’s third law of motion, which states that: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Or that: action and reaction are equal in magnitude but opposite in effect.
The cardinal duty of karma is to faithfully deliver the results arising from the exercise of freewill. Thus, the law of karma is like the delivery agent of the universe, which faithfully delivers the goods you have ordered from this overwhelming infinite cosmic supermarket. Again, the law of karma can be likened to a fruit juice machine, which simply produces the juice of the fruit you have placed in the machine. If you place mango fruits in the fruit juice machine, you obtain mango juice. Karma just delivers the fruits of our choices, regardless of whether they are gainful or painful.
Hence, karma is neither punishment nor reward; just a devoted servant of the universe, who ensures that our choices are respected to the highest possible degree. Thus, this site is designed to critically deliberates upon the manner in which the law of karma operates and how it affects our lives. It concludes with proven and universally validated practical methods for achieving liberation of the soul from the stringent sovereignty of karma and reincarnation in this lifetime. For more writings by this author, click here.

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