Tuesday 29 March 2016

How the Forces of Karma Manifest

An obsolete notion generally lingers; which purports that karma unfolds in linearity; in which case, the past is envisioned to determine the present, and the present determines the future in a straight forward and predictable manner. While such a postulation is veracious to a recognisable degree, it can be comfortably posited that such a conception is but partial truth. Karmic consequences unfold in feed-back loops, as postulated by the noble Buddha. Under the feedback loop mechanism, contemporary circumstances are moulded by both past and current factors; while the future is determined by a complex blend of past, present and even prospective factors. The following illustration attempts to elucidate the complexities that characterise karmic unfoldment:
Suppose a student enrols in an academic establishment and embarks upon a certain discipline of study, geared towards the acquisition of the relevant award. Suppose also that in the course of that academic pursuit, the student incurs a debt as a bank loan to enable funding of his/her studies. In the course of the studies, the student had also established a healthy entourage of friends. Now, upon the successful completion of that academic programme, the following consequences become associated to the student. Firstly, the student has secured the relevant award; secondly, the student is indebted to the bank following the procurement of a bank loan; and thirdly, the student now boasts an exuberant entourage of credible friends. All these three consequences are ramifications of the same causation; which is, the undertaking of an academic pursuit.
Suppose now that one of the consequences manifests upon that individual, for which the individual secures employment by virtue of having acquired an award. This in turn will generate secondary consequences for the student; for instance, remunerations, interaction and relationship with work colleagues, securement of a mortgage etc. Thus, the manifestation of the consequence of the award has enabled the student to generate revenue for settling the consequence of the bank loan (debt). But the manifestation of the secondary consequence of employment also ramifies into other consequences such as new friends at work; and this sub-consequence reinforces the initial consequences, for instance, numerical increase in the cycle of friends. Suppose having been in active employment for a considerable timeframe, the individual develops the impulsion to derelict employment in favour of further studies. In this case, the income generated during employment now enables the individual to fund this particular episode of academic pursuit.
This examples portrays the intricacies and complexities that characterise the mechanism governing the generation of karmic consequences; and hence qualifies the postulation that karma manifests in feedback loops, as always rightly enunciated by the noble Buddha. While linearity is not entirely deniable, feedback loops constitute a more feasible fashion by which karmic consequences manifest.
From the above annotation, while the initial episode of academic pursuit can be considered the primordial causation of the karmic chain, the second episode of academic pursuance now poses as a consequence of a consequence of another consequence, which itself was a consequence of the initial causative chain.
Now suppose again that upon the resumption of further academic pursuit, this individual is met with the rosy fortune of romance with a classmate; and that his/her spouse is an expatriate; and following their mutually consented lawful matrimony, the pair then settle in the spouse’s country of origin. The pattern of karmic unfoldment of the individual becomes even more colourful and complex, as fresh horizons of cause and effect now surface onto his personal arena.
Now contemplate that the aggregate of an individual’s hundreds, thousands, millions and even eons of previous lives karma is submerged in the sub-conscious mind, as an eclectic tapestry of karmic entanglements, all awaiting conducive circumstances for manifestation into reality. Then, attempt to envision the spiritual stance of an average mortal.
Depending on the severity of the previous lives’ karmic burden, the soul becomes entirely inundated; and lapses into chronic mundane fatigue, unable to shoulder the cumbersome baggage that it has summoned upon itself. Hence, the able hand of a capable friend becomes a warrant of necessity; and one of such compassionate, graceful and highly capable dependable friends is Supreme Master Ching Hai. Supreme Master Ching Hai will alleviate your karmic burden to a degree that is manageable, and also liberate your soul from the fatiguing monotonous cycles of reincarnation; compassionately delivering it to the splendiferous abode of eternal glory. She will liberate five generations of your family from the arena of struggle, and deliver them to eternity. She can also rescue some of your deceased relatives that might have fallen into the dreadful penance of hell; and deliver them to more desirable and blissful spiritual realms.
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