Thursday 31 March 2016

Categories of Karma

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As regards categories of karma, the great Masters usually fragment them into three identifiable segments as follows:
1.         Fate or destiny Karma
2.         Stored karma
3.         New or future Karma
An encapsulation of each of these will now follow:

Fate or destiny karma

The notion of fate karma provides a valid espousal for the concept of predestination. Throughout one’s successive previous lives, a substantial amount of karma has been generated. Of that totality of one’s previous lives’ karma awaiting resolution, a certain fraction is extracted and apportioned to the bearer for this contemporary life; and it is this fate karma that patterns the course of one’s life, as well as govern the conditions and circumstances that unfold from that pattern. No one can abscond from the dictates of fate karma. The prescriptive authority of one’s fate karma deciphers one’s country and city of birth, time of birth, gender, physiognomy, parents, associations, benevolent and malevolent tendencies, aspirations etc.
Stored Karma

Throughout one’s previous lives, a colossal amount of karma has been generated and amassed in the sub-conscious mind. The volume of karma amassed in the sub-conscious mind is so exorbitant that it cannot possibly be consummated in a single lifetime. Therefore, for each successive reincarnation, a certain quantity of karma is extracted from the sub-conscious mind and precipitated upon the bearer, as the governing framework of his contemporary life. The remainder of the karma is stored in the individual’s karmic depository, waiting to be apportioned piecemeal, during subsequent successive lives.
New or Future Karma

This depicts the sum total of karma fabricated during this contemporary life. Some of the karma generated during the current life might yield all or some of their legitimate results during this contemporary life; for instance, a child who is tenacious in academic pursuit might subsequently obtain convenient employment opportunities. On the other hand, the dispensation of deeds of altruism might not eventuate into fruition during this lifetime; but the individual can be fully assured that he will reap the full scale of those consequences during another lifetime.
Karma can also be segmented into another format, which is ancillary or perhaps complementary to the initial segmentation. Thus, it is common to speak of:
1.                            Instant Karma and,
2.                            Mass Karma
Instant karma implies that the deed executed has yielded an instantaneous consequence; for instance, when one drinks water, one’s thirst is instantly quenched. Also, when one sanitises one’s mouth through brushing, the instant effect is clean teeth, a tidy tongue and fresh breath.
Mass karma is the karma that prevails on a wider collective scale, and can apply to the entire globe, a particular continent, nation or region. This category can assume either a wholesome or an unwholesome character. Instances of mass unwholesome karma had been observed to unleash such agonising consequences upon humanity; for instance, in the form of seismic calamities and other natural disasters such as floods, drought, famine, and even aeroplane crashes etc. The gruesome massacre of animals also generates collective karmic retributions in the form of wars; and the resultant massacre of substantial numbers of people in battle grounds.
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